Apr 29, 2007 | Found Objects
One Tahitian myth suggests that everything started with Ti’i, Tahitian for Tiki, who created a woman from earth, then took her as his wife and committed incest with his daughter to beget the first man.
Apr 13, 2007 | Found Objects
After exploring many variations, I arrived at this painting. It reveals complexities that are in harmony with the piece of wood used as a subject. Seeing the same piece of wood in totally different ways. The possibilities are endless.
Apr 13, 2007 | Found Objects
I’m very excited about this piece. The fact that it’s inspired by a child’s toy makes the form so much more relevant. Consternatal is an off-shoot of “In Utero.” The painting expresses an amazed dismay of birth. The figure could represent...
Apr 29, 2006 | Found Objects
Ex-Beatle George Harrison had a way of finding beauty in things. When a reporter asked what his personal goal was, he responded with ‘To do as well as I can do, whatever I attempt. And someday to die with a peaceful mind.’
Apr 29, 2006 | Found Objects
The pelvic bone of a deer is interesting by itself. However, I found myself copying it. In order to get past that perception, I molded fine wire mesh and covered the bone. As the paint was thick and wet, I applied various strokes with a large hand saw. Bending the...
Apr 28, 2006 | Found Objects
A new gallery. Information and images can be found HERE. “In Utero” Oil (36″x60″) 2006 I’m very excited about this piece. The fact that it’s inspired by a child’s toy makes the form so much more...
Apr 21, 2006 | Found Objects
I found this broken piece of a child’s toy while jogging. It’s been in the studio for well over 10 years. I’ve begun the process by pretty much drawing what I see. Now I am drawing what I feel.
Apr 21, 2006 | Found Objects
I’ve learned to see into things — over the years I’ve collected found objects, with the intent to one day create art inspired by them. The concept has been an age-old vehicle for artistic afflatus. Here is a little preview of my current series. Last...