Jimi for a Friend
"Jimi For a Friend" Color Pencil (16"x20") 1974
Witness To War
A representative from Witness To War interviewed a few of us who served together in Vietnam. This took place at the reunion, held every two years, for Hotel Company, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines. This year it took place in Oklahoma City (in June 8-11). The video can be found...
Alden High School Veteran’s Day Assembly
Ralph Sirianni appeared as the guest speaker for Alden High School Veteran's Day Assembly, on November 10th, 2022. An excerpt of the video can be seen HERE. Transcript of Introduction: Ralph Sirianni was born on the West side of Buffalo on Jan. 2, 1949. As a child of...
God’s Angel
This piece is deeply personal. It presents an image of Good over evil….Salvation and Hope. For some, the struggle goes on. “God’s Angel took me up, and he of hell/shouted. O thou from heaven, why dost thou rob me?” (Purgatory V, 104, 105) "God’s Angel" Oil (48”x36”)...
Tops Shooter
Artshow: A Brush With Bareknuckles
April 23 - May 7, 2022 646 Delaware Rd., Buffalo, NY 14223 (Parking on side streets) Private viewings on request, 3-7pm Click HERE for video. Throughout time there are many accounts of fisticuffs having been a source of crowd-pleasing entertainment. Prehistoric cave...
The Mini Buffalo Soldier
Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing The Mini Buffalo Soldier! He stands 17”x12” and like the Buffalo Soldiers before him, will be auctioned off to raise money for Roswell Park Cancer Research. Stay tuned for the auction date. A special thanks to Blake Kobee and Bill...
Buffalo Federal Court’s Ricin Case
A Canadian Woman was arrested at the Peace Bridge in connection with a letter containing the poison ricin to be sent to the White House.
Buffalo Tales
Ralph Sirianni was one of the artists featured in Buffalo Tales today. Photo(s) by Steven D Desmond/Desmond's PrimeFocus Photography. You can read the full article on their website.
The Dead Files
July 11, on the Travel Channel, at 10 pm Eastern: Each week’s episode features a home / establishment where paranormal activity takes place. It concludes with a sketch artist, from the location filmed at that time. The July 11 episode is showcasing a home in...
Flowers (1964)
For Alex
"For Alex" Oil (2000)
Courtroom Drawings for Documentary
This is an ongoing commission for a documentary. The film requires some courtroom art of a case involving three members of the Buffalo Police Department and their questionable conduct of apprehended teens.
Dead Files
The Travel Channel's series, Dead Files, features Ralph Sirianni in an upcoming 12th season episode, as a sketch artist. It is planned to air in August 2019.
Gabriel Sirianni
"How Buffalo artist copes with losing son to heroin" - Buffalo News http://buffalonews.com/2017/09/23/sean-kirst-buffalo-artist-copes-son-lost-heroin/
The Scorpio and the Capricorn
From the 1970s.
Charles DeGlopper, World War 2 Medal of Honor Recipient, Grand Island, NY
This is a drawing for a new monument project.
Gold Star Families
This is a drawing for a new monument project.