Artvoice Article 12/22/2011:
A new series of art events debuts
Ralph Sirianni—a friend, artist, veteran, and champion of possibilities in improving one’s good nature—invited me to “Chi-Stock,” a music and art event held in a large downtown loft put together by his son, Gabriel, featuring Ralph painting in situ while the young patrons watched, chatted, and danced. An upright piano served as a bar where drinks were passed over the piano lid from an elevated platform. An atmosphere of family fealty prevailed as Sirianni brushed acrylic on a wall-sized, taped-off canvas.
Chi is the vital life force that stimulates motivation, coming from the original Chinese (qi) for breath. Meant to be a series of future events providing a visually ingratiating gathering place for young people, Chi-Stock will feature artists working on installations specific to themes supporting introspection, contemplation, and joy.
Meanwhile in another part of the loft, Bruce Lee held forth in Enter the Dragon while a fog machine created billowing plumes before a seated Buddha amid a gathering of tea lights.
> j. tim raymond