Mayor’s Award of Merit

Mayor’s Award of Merit

 Tuesday, January 20th, 2003 - Ralph Sirianni received the "Mayor's Award of Merit" from the Buffalo Police Department "in recognition of outstanding service to the community and helping to provide a safe and secure environment for the citizens of our grateful city."

African Angels

African Angels

I am now more serious about art than I've ever been. As time has passed and new inspiration comes into focus, I find myself learning to dedicate more time to developing artistic skills. The African Angels and African Masks are a welcome departure from some of the more...

For Richard

For Richard

A response to the September 11th terrorist attacks, this piece was part of the "MISSING" exhibit shown in cities across the United States and internationally. Richard Gabriel was a fellow Marine who served in my company in Vietnam. He lost a leg there. On September...

CD Album Art

CD Album Art

I am excited to be able to share my talent with Wendell Rivera, a gifted musician and friend.  The cover art for his new album "Among Friends" (WPR Productions, 2002) was inspired by my first Wendell Rivera show.  The pulse of his music stayed with me through the...

“Water Run”

“Water Run”

This is the centerpiece of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park in Sprague Brook, NY. Dedicated Memorial Day, 2001. The figure, which is larger than life, portrays a function that anyone who has served in the military can relate to -- it depicts something peaceful, yet...

Intro to African Mask Series

Intro to African Mask Series

The 1999-2000 Mask Series of oil paintings is based on a mask made by my son, Gabe. The African Angels and African Masks are a welcome departure from some of the more dark and serious subject matter I've done. As always, music often helps guide my directions in art....

African Masks

African Masks

  Mask 5 can be viewed sideways as well as above. Mask 7 can be viewed in two directions. Mask 8 can be viewed from any direction.

“Buffalo Soldier”

“Buffalo Soldier”

Part of the "Herd About Buffalo" campaign to raise money for Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Special thanks to Blake Kobee on this project.

“Angel” (1990)

“Angel” (1990)

I’ve always been an animal lover. Sometimes it seems magical to communicate with another creature. I see the earth as one day being inhabited only by humans. We’ll force all the animals into extinction in the name of progress. In my painting, an angel appears before a...